Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday 23/1/11

After our morning meeting, we all traveled to Musee D'Orsay.  This was an absolutely beautiful museum! Unfortunately, we could not take pictures in there so I can't show you what it looked like from the inside.  I can tell you it was an old train station though, if you can imagine that, that's what it looked like.  As soon as you walked in, there were two lines of sculptures in front of you and then pictures in little alcoves all around the building.  Besides the paintings of Renoir, Courbet, and Seurat, my next favorite painting was titled 'Le Chevalier aux Fleurs' which translates to the Knight of the Flowers. (shown in the picture below) This picture caught my eye because of the color and the symbolism movement shown in this piece.  

 It said that the artist of this painting, George Rochegrosse, along with other symbolitsts of his time, were fond of universal themes.  The themes include, Life, Death, Love and Dreams.  I think this painting is either of death, because he could be in Heaven, or dream because he is thinking that this is happening. But I definitely liked this painting a lot.   I also liked how everything was reflected in his armor.  It's a really cool painting technique to show the reflection of the flowers in the mans armor.  Oh! The people at the museum are really strict too.  They would not let us meet as a group and present let a lone talk.  Our group got yelled at two times for being together! Very strict there but I suppose they have to be sometimes.  But after the museum, we went to the Eiffel Tower again, to see if we could go up, but it was a little rainy.  So we decided to go up at night instead if the weather was nice. in the meantime, we went on the Ferris wheel near the Champs-Elysee.  We went around 3 times for ten euros and got the picturesque view of beautiful Paris! After that, we walked around to try and find a metro station.  Once we found one, we went back to our hotel and rested until our group meeting at 5:30 where we talked about a particular piece that we liked in the museum.  (I talked about the knight in the flowers) After our meeting, we went to eat dinner at another restaurant near our hotel called the Frog Restaurant. It had a British pub feel to it with very good food.  After dinner, we hopped back on the metro and went to the Eiffel Tower.  When we got there, it was at the top of the hour, where the lights twinkle bright for five minutes every hour until one o'clock am.  It was absolutely beautiful to see that. 

 After we went up in it, we took lots of pictures, we went back down and went back to our hotel.  We were all tired from the day.  Tomorrow we are going to the Pompidou Center which should be fun. I have heard a lot of good things about it.  But until then, im outta here! Au Revoir!

Question of the Day:  Find the Courbet paintings in the Musee D'Orsay- what is your reaction to them? 
I was blown away by the Courbet paintings- especially A Burial at Oranas.  The paintings are outrageously huge!  On top of the size, the people look so real! At least the people in the front.  In the back, of the painting, all the people are the same size which gives the illusion that people are layered but not so much real.  It is a gorgeous painting none the less.   

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