Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Friday 28/1/11

France is almost done! I can't believe how fast it is going! 
So today was full of excitement as well as the last couple days.  The first thing we did today was go the La Defense.  It is the modern day version of the Arc de Triomphe (which can be seen from this monument and vise versa)  This arc holds offices and is located in the modern part of Paris compared to where the Arc de Triomphe is located.  The canopy at the bottom of the arc is supposed to symbolize clouds.  (I don't necessarily see it, but hey, its not my design) When we were here, we also saw an art piece that shows how one can take something from the garbage and make it beautiful.  ('One man's trash is another mans treasure' is a good quote for this) They made flowers out of colored garbage bags! And put them together to make this 'tent'.

 After the modern arc and the flower tent we went to the Arc de Triomphe! The arc honors those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Beneath its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I.  
The design is beautiful with four different reliefs on each pillar holding up the arc.  The most famous of them is La Marseillaise.  Which is the one that you can see in the picture above.  Unlike Notre Dame, we got to go to the top of this famous monument.  This was an astounding view of Paris! In my opinion, a little better than the Eiffel Tower view. Both were spectacular, but this was over the top! After we scoped out the fantastic view of Paris, we went to lunch and then went shopping at the Champs Elysses.  We went shopping and I bought a jacket at the most American store there- H&M.  They had so many good sales! The French stores had sales or 'soldes' as they are called, but not as good as the American stores did.  
After we shopped till we dropped, we headed back to our hotel where Lisa and I got dressed up for the Moulin Rouge which is where we went after our group dinner at Pataques Restaurant in De Bercy.  It was a good restaurant but I liked the one in London better.  At this place we had quiche and a small salad as a starter, and chicken in mushroom sauce as the main meal and then a rum soaked cake like thing for dessert.  The dessert was definitely not my favorite I have had this trip.  So I took a bite and left the rest of it.  On the other hand, the chicken and the quiche were really good.  After dinner, Lisa and I went off to find the Moulin Rouge.  We got there a little early and got in the line we thought was the line for the show- we were wrong.  Somehow we got into the club next door to the Moulin rouge. We got in there and looked at each other and wondered where the show would take place (because there was only a dance floor) and where we would get our champagne. (because there was only a bar)  After we looked around a little bit, we figured we were in the wrong place and wanted to get out of there.  But of course, no one spoke English to help us out.  We finally found a woman and told her our predicament. She laughed and helped us out.  Once we got out of the club Lisa and I were both relieved. We went to the real place where we were supposed to be, and they said come back in about a half hour because it is too early. So we left and went to the Starbucks across the street.  We hung out there for a little bit and then went back over to the Moulin Rouge. We got in line (the right one this time) and finally got into where we were supposed to be. We both looked at each other and said this is more what we were picturing. The people were dressed up more, and there was actually a stage! (not just a dance floor) After we got settled, we got our champagne and waited for the show to start.  Soon enough, it did. Photography was forbidden so unfortunately I couldn't take pictures.  But I don't think I need pictures to remember this.  It was a very memorable show! The dancers were amazing and the costumes were very extravagant.  We spent 92 euros on this but it was worth every one of them.  We got seats right next to the stage, champagne, and had a great night all together! Completely worth $132 US dollars. 
Tomorrow is our free day and last day in Paris! But until then, i'm outta here! 

Question of the Day: What did you learn today?
I learned so much today! First off, I learned that La Defence was a project to build the 'Grande Arche' and it was initiated by the French president Mitterrand.  He wanted a 20th century version of the Arc de Triomphe. The design of Danish architect Otto von Spreckelsen took the medal in the competition for the best design.  But in my opinion,  it looks more like a cube-shaped building than a triumphal arch. It is a 348 feet white building with the middle part left open. The sides of the cube contain offices. You can take a glass elevator to the top of the of it too! And secondly, I learned to check our tickets before standing in just any line...just because there is a line near where you want to be, it may not be the line you really want to be in. 

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